Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Surviving COVID-19!!!

It has been a few years since I have blogged, and  I am using this time of COVID-19 to update some of my business practices and to catch up on social media.  One being is to resurrect my blog, Celebration Notes!

As you all know,  this is a trying time for the Event Industry....actually for everyone.  But we will survive this.  We will learn a lot about ourselves and each other.

Celebrations Made Simple is adjusting just like everyone else....we have had to reschedule weddings and cancel Corporate events.  We are glad that events are being rescheduled, and it looks like the Fall will be busy and promising.  The biggest challenge is to keep our clients focused on not to "shelter in place" on the planning process.


About Our Blog

Welcome to Celebration Notes!

I hope as time passes you will come to enjoy our blog and become and avid follower.

When you visit our blog you will find:

1. Helpful tips and ideas on planning your own events and celebrations.

2. Pictures and summaries of weddings and other events that we have done.

3. A mini series called: Drama Behind the Scenes...you will want to stay tuned for this one!

Happy reading!